
These Musikgarten-based programmes are the perfect foundation for your fetus at 4 months, new- born to 9 years of age. They have been designed to offer a comprehensive array of music foundation, including Movement, Drama, Music Appreciation, Rhythm, Theory, Solfege, Ensemble Playing, Improvisation, Piano Technique, Introduction to the Instruments of the Orchestra, Singing & more. They provide a solid start to your child’s development.
Family Music for Babies – New-born to 20 months
Designed for parents and their babies to take together, these weekly classes help parents learn how to play musically with their baby. Each class features bouncing and rocking songs, body awareness and peek-a-boo games, and other fun activities for parents and babies. Parents also get to experience group dancing and music-making as a community. They usually express that it’s a wonderful time of “exercise” for them as well. Classes are a combination of high and low physical impact activities. Parents should be prepared for lots of fun and laughter!
The idea is to encourage parents to bring music-making into the home, hence a superb CD (fully imported from the USA) recorded by a fine children’s choir and outstanding instrumentalists are part of the materials to be purchased separately, wherever you sign up for a Musikgarten class in the world.
Using your parent guidebook along with rhythm sticks, a Musikgarten rattle, and a colourful scarf, you’ll have hours of enjoyment with your bundle of joy.
Musikgarten’s musical play for babies:
• Increases your baby’s curiosity of music
• Develops listening skills and a sense of beat
• Establishes a foundation for singing and musical thought
• Helps form a closer bond between parents and baby – due to the activities incorporating the Five Love Languages of Children by Dr Gary Chapman
• Parents and babies get to interact with other parents and babies – builds community
Family Music for Toddlers – 21 months to 4 years
These weekly classes are action-filled for toddlers and their parents – full of energy, often on the move, always exploring and learning. Together you’ll sing, chant, move, dance, listen, and play simple rhythm percussion. All of which are activities that bridge the natural connection between music and movement through four age appropriate levels tailor-made for the child’s holistic development.
Each lesson features movement activities for coordination, body awareness and control, exploration of space, and percussion such as rhythm sticks, jingles, rattles, drums, and resonator bars.
True to the philosophy of ‘bringing music home’ and more fun time together at home, a wonderful CD (fully imported from the USA), a parent activity/guide book, and a percussion or scarf, is to be purchased separately wherever you sign up for a Musikgarten class in the world.
Pre-introduction to Keyboard – 4 to 5.5 years
This 6-month learning program taken from one of the modules of Music Makers: At Home in the World includes singing, creative and structured movement, playing rhythm percussion and simple ensemble work, ear-training and guided listening.
This developmentally sound approach to music literacy builds symbolic thinking, concentration, memory, and self-expression.
This module focuses on your child’s fascination with home and nature. Your child will be introduced to the sounds of some orchestral instruments individually, and then in the context of an ensemble. Such listening foundation will lead to long-term success with music reading in future classes.
The children start to work with written patterns, foundational towards developing into written musical patterns in the next level – Introduction to Group Keyboard.
Of course, parents are required to partner with their child in our weekly classes on this music-making journey.
Course materials of books, CD and folder/poster (fully imported from the USA) are to be purchased separately wherever you sign up for a Musikgarten class in the world.
From age 5.5 years
Parents and children get their first-hand experience of playing by ear in this course.
Songs loved, sung and experienced in class are translated into playing on the keyboard.
Parents and children still get to enjoy music-making and parent-child bonding time in class, as the fun activities of music and movement and percussion playing are still very much a part of this course.
Written musical patterns are introduced here, beginning with, the rhythm patterns that the children have been singing in class since they were babies.
Course materials of books, CD (fully imported from the USA) are to be purchased separately wherever you sign up for a Musikgarten class in the world.
Music Makers: At the Keyboard – from age 6 years
Parents and children continue their music making journey from Introduction to Keyboard to a fully-fledged play by ear course. Musikgarten babies who are now grown up as young children come to the keyboard ready to play the songs they have learned to sing, dance, and love. Children with no prior music-making background would be required to begin with the Introduction to Keyboard to ensure smooth transition into this course.
Small group lessons at the keyboard capitalize on children’s delight in making music with others. It also allows them to have success quickly, playing songs that they know.
With material for three years of lessons divided into six levels, your child will learn to play by ear and to read music. A much-loved piano repertoire of familiar songs improves his/her ability to read and play with fluency – resulting in pride and excitement in making music!
To continue the fun and learning at home, materials (a listening CD and a practice CD with special tracks for practice each week, fully imported from the USA) are to be purchased separately wherever you sign up for this course around the world.
Notation games, repertoire pieces, sight-reading pieces, opportunities for composing, and more are also in your child’s comprehensive learning materials. These materials will help children stay excited about playing and encourage them to make music long after the lessons stop.
*You and your child will love Musikgarten!*