Terms and Conditions

For Students Enrolling with Bentley Music Academy Sdn Bhd

1. Enrolment of students is subject strictly to full payment of registration fees, termly lesson fees and deposits to Bentley Music Academy Sdn Bhd (herein referred to as BMA).

2. All fees thereafter are payable termly (12 weekly – inclusive of: 11 or 12 Individual Lessons or; 6 to 12 Group Lessons) in advance on, or upon enrolling for any individual, ensemble or group, adhoc or trial lessons.

3. Fees can be paid in the form of cash, credit card, cheque or direct bank in. Any payment by:

•  Cheque must be crossed “A/c Payee Only” and made in favour of Bentley Music Academy Sdn Bhd. Please indicate on the reverse of the cheque the name of student and telephone number.

•  Direct banking can be made through Public Bank Berhad to Bentley Music Academy Sdn Bhd Account No: 3 077671 008. Bank in slips/payment advice must be submitted or emailed to our Administrator at BMA with the full name of student and account payee (if by Giro) and purpose.

4. A Tax Invoice, Receipt and/or Deposit Acknowledgment will be issued upon clearance of payment by cheque, direct bank in or online transfer.

5. A refundable Security Deposit is payable on enrolment and refunded after the end of last lesson subject to due written notice being given (see 32) otherwise the Security Deposit will be considered forfeited.

6. In the unlikely event that a change of Teacher has been instigated by BMA Management, the Student is entitled to three paid trial lessons with the teacher(s) of their choice.

7. Therein failure to settle lesson fees before the start of any one term will incur a penalty of 10% on the lesson fees due. Student may lose the lesson slot if the fees remain unpaid.

8. BMA reserves the right to forfeit lesson(s) and/or refuse lesson(s) should the fees and late penalty be unpaid.

9. The parent/guardian of students below 18 years would be wholly responsible for the payment of school fees.

10. The student or parent/guardian of the student (if the student is below 18 years old) is required to inform BMA in writing of any life-threatening or serious medical conditions (for example, allergies) that the student may have and to specify if the student falls under special needs or neurologically diverse category (see 42).

11. Notice for cancellation or replacement of a single individual lesson must be given at least 72 hours in advance. For notice of cancellation within 72 hours, the lesson will be forfeited and no replacement given – EXCEPT IN EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES – whereby 24 hours may, subject to BMA Management’s decision be permitted and thus final. No more than one cancellation or replacement lesson with more than 24 hours’ notice will be considered in any 30 or 31 day period in a month. Ensemble/ group lessons will not be replaced unless cancellation is made by the teacher.

12. Any lessons cancelled by the teacher will be replaced on a separate day and where possible no later than the end of the following academic term. The Academy reserves the right to assign an alternative teacher to conduct the replacement lesson in the event the original teacher cannot replace the lesson(s) owed to the student.

13. Students who take leave within any one term for individual lesson will be allowed 1 replacement lesson only per month and only with 72 hours written notice (see 10 for extenuating circumstances) over and above that, no rebate will be permitted. If the required term fee is not paid or extended leave(s) is without prior notice, the student may not be guaranteed the original allotted lesson time upon return from their extended leave. Students taking leave of more than 5 consecutive weeks will be encouraged to withdraw and reregister on their return.

14. Extended Leave of Absence for a period of 5 weeks and above should be applied in writing at least 4 weeks in advance, and it is subject to the approval from both the teacher and BMA Management. Failure to do so will result in deposit being forfeited and a new deposit will be required before recommencement of lessons. If the student fails to return to BMA as per agreed, the deposit will be forfeited.

15. Should cancellation be made by the student, the teacher will, according to their schedule and availability, offer the following options: either a replacement date or a replacement teacher (if available and with prior approval of BMA Management), and to be resolved prior to the end of the following term. Should the student be unable to take up any of the offered replacement slot(s) then the replacement may be forfeited.

16. In the event of any unforeseen cancellation of any lesson or class by BMA or BMA teachers, BMA’s responsibility is limited to the replacement of the individual lesson or class and reserves the right to substitute a teacher of similar experience or qualifications if the original teacher for the cancelled lesson or class is unavailable. No refund will be made. BMA is not responsible for any loss, financial or otherwise, sustained by the cancellation of any lesson or class.

17. If the Student is unfit due to fever, severe cough or flu like symptoms, and due notice from the Student is not given, then BMA reserves the right to cancel lesson or class without replacement.

18. BMA reserves the right to cancel classes that do not meet the minimum numbers for group lesson(s). In this case, a full refund of the remaining un-conducted group lesson(s) will be returned to the parent/ guardian (if the student is less than 18 years old) or the student (if the student is an adult).

19. After the completion of 1 (one) term, should a Teacher or Student wish to discontinue and/or transfer to another Pupil or Teacher respectively, then the student must inform BMA Management in writing, four (4) weeks prior to termination or transfer.

20. At the behest of the individual teacher, students of the said same teacher may convert individual lesson to group lesson for not more than twice a term at no extra cost/reduce cost to the student with the approval of the BMA Management. Maximum students = 6.

21. All lessons commence and finish at a designated and agreed time, inclusive of set-up and pack-up. Latecomers will not be given additional time and no rebate will be given for lost time.

22. All ensemble sessions commence and finish at a designated time as advertised and students are required to be ready 15 minutes prior to the start of each session fully prepared and with all necessary equipment and music required.

23. Students without personal instruments are required to purchase their own instruments by the end of their first term of lessons. Teachers and Bentley Music staff will offer appropriate and expert advice according to needs and budget.

24. Students are expected to practice on a daily basis. If, in the opinion of the teacher, the student is not making appropriate progress, BMA reserves the right to terminate lessons with a letter notifying the parent/student regarding the termination and refund any unused fees.

25. The motto of BMA is “Performance First!” and all students are encouraged to perform with other musicians as soon as the Teacher feels they are ready and competent. Students are encouraged therefore to be ready to play with other students and musicians, join BMA groups, choirs and orchestras, and participate in the End-of Term Student Recitals held every 3 months.

26. Although not mandatory, students are encouraged to study for and enter examinations. The grade and type of exam to be undertaken by any student will be determined by their teacher.

27. Students and parents/guardians are expected to be polite and well-mannered at all times. Any abusive or threatening behaviour whether physical, verbal or written by any student or visitor to any BMA teacher, staff member or other student either directly or indirectly (via social networking platforms, TV, radio and press) will result in the instant termination of all further lessons with no refund for unused time. BMA Management reserves all rights to initiate action against that particular student to recover all remedies from him/her.

28. Students are required to treat the BMA premises, school instruments, sheet music and all other equipment, fixtures and fittings with care and respect. Students causing wilful damage or damage resulting from wilful negligence will be required to pay for such damage and may lose all further lessons with no refund for unused time and their deposits may be forfeited.

29. Students or visitors are not permitted to bring food or drink into the BMA premises at any time with the sole exception of plain bottled water. Any other food or drinks may be consumed in the courtyard area immediately in front of the BMA reception.

30. Students are not permitted to enter any of the teaching rooms or multi-purpose rooms at any other time than that designated for their individual or group lessons unless they have pre-booked the room for practice and paid the appropriate fee to BMA Management.

31. Students who wish to change teacher and/or instrument must fill up the “Change Teacher/Instrument Form” and hand it to BMA Administrator 30 days prior to the end of the last lesson. Any differences requiring top up of the fees and/or deposits as a result must be made upon form submission.

32. Students who wish to terminate any lessons with BMA must fill up the “Student Withdrawal Form” and hand it in to BMA Administrator 30 days prior to the end of the last lesson. The security deposit is fully refundable when the “Student Withdrawal Form” is received at least 30 days prior to the end of the relevant lesson by BMA to notify his/her wish to discontinue lessons. The deposit will be forfeited if notice submitted is less than 30 days before terminating any lessons.

33. All members of BMA Orchestras, Choirs and Groups who intend to take leave (short, long or permanent) are required to complete either the Student Extended Leave Notice, or Student Withdrawal Form at least 30 days before the last session or term; whichever happens sooner. Failure to do so and the deposit is forfeited.

34. Refund of deposits will be by cheque or Giro only, and will be paid within 30 days from the receipt of the submission of the form. Should refund of deposits made via Giro fails after two attempts due to whatsoever reasons rejected by the Bank, we will automatically issue the refund via cheque. Any refund of deposits made by cheque not collected within 6 months from date of issuance shall be forfeited.

35. Deposits will be automatically forfeited after 1 year if Student has not returned to BMA for lessons within that time.

36. The Teacher is permitted to exchange (swap) a scheduled individual lesson, or group rehearsal, in place of a concert recital performance, or any related dress rehearsal or sound check, wherein that particular Student is required to be present at a dress rehearsal or sound check; or, whereby that Teacher is needed (due to concert scheduling) to be present for an additional Student during the lesson time of another Student(s), who themselves are not involved in that particular dress rehearsal or sound check.

37. Should the Student arrive at their lesson later than 50% from the start of the assigned duration without notice, then that particular lesson shall be forfeited with immediate effect and no replacement shall be entertained.

38. Students who fail to bring either their music, instruments, sticks, and/or lesson material, can expect to have their lesson terminated with immediate effect. No replacement shall be entertained.

39. No smoking or vaping is permitted on the premises anywhere in Wisma Bentley, including toilets, stair wells and carpark entrances.

40. BMA and all its associates will not be held responsible for any injuries sustained including death to any person, any loss or damage to personal belongings, on or at any part of the building. Parents must collect their children promptly at the end of their lesson and are advised to send and collect their children from the BMA lobby.

41. BMA reserves the rights to use, display or publish all photography images or videotape images taken in the premise of BMA and Wisma Bentley Music and any associated event or during any concerts, workshops, presentations organized by BMA and it’s associate for the purpose of all media or promotional use or as part of BMA’s corporate representation use in any media format.

42. In advance of registration, it is the responsibility of the student; or student’s guardian/parent to make known to BMA of any assistance or special needs (including allergies) pertaining to the student. While we make every effort to encourage our teachers to be mindful of individual cases and, where possible, integrate methodologies to assist and support the wellbeing of the student;  we do not claim to have expertise in this particular area. We will, however, assess and assist and, in some cases, offer further advice or third-party support.

43. We reserve the right to change the Terms and Conditions. We will notify you of amendments to these terms and conditions by notification on the BMA notice board(s) and/or email.